Training Programs and Online Courses
Below is a list of our current programs.
All of these programs may be customized to address the specific needs of a client. This can include language, graphics, and examples specific to an organization. Our online courses are about one hour in length.
Building the Bridge to Trust
Trust in the workplace is one of the key ingredients to success. Understand how to build and sustain trust in the workplace through the BRIDGE model. See how this model can be implemented in any organization to help reap the benefits of trust, which include increasing productivity, enhancing customer service, developing positive employee morale, and sustaining personal job satisfaction.
Change Management Program
The old saying goes “the one thing that is constant is change.” This program helps everyone deal with the challenges that change presents. If you are facing change, this program is designed to help you effectively manage and deal with the change process. It explores different types of change, how change effects individuals emotionally, introduces the four cycles of change, identifies what you can control during periods of change, provides motivational tips, identifies obstacles to change, and explores the role of communication during periods of change. The benefit is a workforce that is prepared to deal effectively with the dynamic changes affecting today’s marketplace.
Communication Skills
This program addresses the communication skills necessary to successfully interact with customers and peers alike in a professional manner. Communication is an essential ingredient to success in today’s marketplace. The program addresses the importance of communication, methods for communicating effectively, knowing your audience, answering the telephone with a “smile,” the importance of internal communications, and a host of other critical communications skills. The program is beneficial to anyone who needs to communicate – whether they have been on the job for a day or ten years.
Customer Service WAVES Program
WAVES stands for “We All Value Exceptional Service,” which is the foundation for every successful business. As the public continues to raise its service expectations, it is critical to ensure that everyone in the organization has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be an exceptional service provider. Some of the topics covered in this program are:
- Identifying the Importance of Service
- Lighting Your Way to Exceptional Service
- Communicating Effectively
- Listening Skills: Hearing and Understanding Your Customer
- Dealing with Difficult Behaviors and Surviving Service Stress
- Being Positive in a Typhoon
Delegating for Results
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the work you need to do? Do you hoard work and not delegate? If you are like most people the answer is “Yes!” This program provides fundamental skills needed to be an effective delegator. It enables participants to identify barriers and benefits of delegation, provides methods for selecting the right person for the job, introduces communication techniques, provides methods for selecting the right person for the job, introduces communication techniques, provides empowering tools and follow-up techniques, and highlights the NICE Model. The benefit is an empowered workforce, increased productivity, and enhanced organizational effectiveness.
HULA Personal Productivity Program
HULA stands for “Having Unproductive Legitimate Action.” Are you always busy? Do you have hundreds of voicemails to return, endless e-mails to read, and mounds of paperwork to conquer? You are not alone. Too often we spend our workday in a whirlwind of activities that add little value to our business and customers. This seminar identifies ten time stealers and provides practical, easy-to-use tips on how to overcome them. By working smarter, you gain critical time to focus on the issues that have a strategic impact on your organization. This is accomplished with a focus on methods for maximizing our time to develop relationships that will help grow and strengthen your business. The program identifies ten unproductive functions that do not add value to your organization, seven time-saving tips, and four methods to help build strong partnerships between your organization and customers.
Leadership Skills for Everyone
Are you a leader? Regardless of what your title or role is, everyone is a leader. This program addresses ten critical skills for successful leaders: (1): communications, (2) knowledge and credibility, (3) motivation and rooting for others, (4) building alliances and partnerships, (5) teamwork, (6) coaching and mentoring, (7) creativity and Innovation, (8) passion for customer service, (9) resiliency to change, and (10) time management. Each of these skills enables individuals to grow professionally and personally. The benefit is a workforce that is prepared to successfully meet the challenges of today’s marketplace.
Making a Positive Difference Everyday
Did you get up today and say, “Today is going to be a great day?” If you did, congratulations! If no, why not? This program is designed to give you practical, easy-to-implement methods for harnessing your positive energy. This program explores the benefits of having a positive attitude, the impact of positive energy on the workplace, how to foster creativity and innovation, determining what we control and what we do not control, and the impact of negative energy on the workplace. The benefit is a culture of positive energy that reflects enhanced creativity, increased productivity, and an energized workforce.
Mastering Time Program
No matter what we do, there just never seems to be enough time. Participants are provided with time management skills that will increase their effectiveness. This program identifies time stealers, provides for self-assessments, introduces the POLAR Time Model, and identifies methods for working smarter, not harder. It also discusses tips for blending work and family responsibilities.
Negotiation Without Fear
Everyone negotiates. From asking your boss for a raise to getting the kids to take out the trash, negotiation is part of our everyday life. This program defines negotiation, explains the benefits of win-win negotiation, identifies the attributes of an effective negotiation, describes how to use the six building blocks of negotiation, and identifies conflict management techniques. The benefit of this program is to have negotiations become more open and focused on win-win outcomes.
Sexual Harassment: Respecting the Individual
This program is designed to increase everyone’s knowledge of sexual harassment awareness. Regardless of your position – from entry-level to senior manager – the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace impacts you. Sexual harassment is an issue that effects everyone in the workplace: women, men, straight, and gay. The program identifies a variety of issues related to sexual harassment, including what is sexually harassing behavior, the origins of sexual harassment, different types of sexual harassment, awareness of respecting individuals, describing behaviors associated with sexual harassment, providing sample policies, and discussing the responsibility of employees and managers regarding sexual harassment. This program is for everyone in the workplace. It helps to create an environment that respects each individual, while protecting the organization.
Supervisory Program
Are you an effective supervisor? Learn the key skills necessary to be a respected and effective supervisor. The program addresses a variety of supervisory skills, including conducting an assessment of your personal leadership style, developing “business owner” thinking skills, harnessing positive energy, building trust, communicating effectively, learning to listen effectively, delegating for results, negotiating for a win-win outcome, and motivating everyone in the organization. The benefit is having a supervisory team armed with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to be effective leaders.
Surviving Stress and Success
Are you feeling stressed? If so, don’t worry. You are not alone. Today’s fast-paced workplace lends itself to an environment filled with stress. The causes of stress are endless, from the constantly ringing telephone to heightened customer expectations. Whatever the cause of your stress, this program is designed to provide you with helpful, immediately usable tips for dealing with stress in a healthy and positive way. The program’s 26 stress-reducing tips that can be done in the workplace are a sure-fire method for helping to create a less stressful environment in which both employees and customers thrive.
Team Building
Learn how to develop powerful teams within your organization. See how to build a workplace culture that celebrates teamwork by respecting and utilizing the talent, skills, and abilities of everyone within your business. You will learn how to enhance teamwork by developing common goals, defining a clear vision, establishing defined roles, engaging in shared concerns, understanding the interdependency of each team member, ensuring continuous communication, and communication skills. If you work with other people or need the people in your organization to be able to work together, this program will help to foster a culture of understanding, respect, and mutual cooperation.
Interviewing for Success
This workshop is designed to help you enhance your interviewing skills. It will strengthen your knowledge of how to conduct an interview, using behavioral interviewing techniques, reviewing what type of questions are permissible, and which ones are not. This will also help you plan and prepare for the interview process.
Dealing with Difficult Behaviors
Difficult behaviors and issues can cause disruption to the workplace and make people feel frustrated, insecure, even threatened in some instances. This program will help you identify what you can and can not control. It will provide you with methods for dealing with behaviors that you deem difficult.
Managing Multiple Priorities
This workshop is designed to focus on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to meet the challenges of managing multiple priorities effectively within the workplace. It will provide you with practical solutions to help enhance your time management and organizational skills. A variety of tips, activities, action plans, and self-evaluations will be utilized.
Train the Trainer Programs
Awaken the trainer within yourself. More and more organizations are moving the training responsibility to the front lines. These programs are designed to give anyone the skills and knowledge to be a successful trainer. Train the Trainer Programs include:
Facilitation Skills for Trainers:
This program teaches trainers the special skills needed to be an outstanding facilitator. It addresses how to handle classes from 1 to 1,000, resistant learners, and the importance of group dynamics.
Teaching Adults:
Master the principles, practices, and strategies for teaching adults. Understand adult learning styles and learn to create environments that motivate and enable learning. Examine the techniques to help learners acquire information more easily and retain it longer. Interact with the instructor/facilitator as role model to develop skills to increase the effectiveness of training.
Tools of the Trade:
Learn how to sharpen your skills by designing learner-centered games, creative icebreakers, and classroom energizers. You will also explore techniques to jazz up visual aids. Training Fundamentals:
Learn how to organize and structure training programs that match course objectives and meet the needs of the audience. Acquire the skills and practice the techniques that ensure the transfer of learning. Explore various visual aids that add impact to the message as well as dynamic methods that maximize participation, generating discussion while keeping the training program on track. Examine how body language, voice tone, and gesture impact the training program.
Additionally, we offer training programs on the following topics:
- Behavior Interviewing
- Career Development
- Coaching Skills
- Computer Skills
- Dealing with Difficult Behaviors
- Diversity
- Ergonomics Awareness
- Generation X,Y,Z
- Managing Multiple Priorities
- Mentoring
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Safety
- Sales Skills
Online Courses
New Online Course for Harassment Certification:
This program satisfies the requirements for 1 hour in Ethics. The course is in two parts: Part 1 covers all of the information needed in the course. Part 2 is a quiz of five scenarios that test your knowledge about harassment in the workplace. At the end of the course, you will print your certificate. Once you have paid for the course, you will receive the password to access the page.